Download the ready-made FrameworkS This file contains everything you need to set up your game for custom content. Resource Cfg For Sims 3.Ģ004 Triumph Tiger 955i Service Manual Edgewonk 2.0 Crack Version Free Iphone Ringtone Creator For Mac Webley Scott Pistol Drawing Always Sunny Intro Maker The Sims 3 Resource Cfg Cfg Resource File Sims 4 If you want toput a mods, don't forget to download the latest first because theoriginal in the folder mods won't. Step 1: Download the Sims with the CC you want Step 2: Start the game and go into Create a Sim Step 3: Find the Sim you downloaded in the pre-made Sim tab, itll open up a box with all of the pre-made Sims the base game came with as. Heres what Ive done and if you want to see, you can download some of the items from my studio on the exchange. Save this document to the new Mods folder as a text document, with the following name "R. Copy the "R file printed below and paste in a new Notepad document. Name it "Mods" In that folder make 2 more folders - name them Packages and Overrides respectively. Make a new folder in Documents\The Sims 3 folder. The file is also available on the NRaas site. The download includes 2 test mods (nointromovies and nobuildmodesparkles) to test your installation of the framework. Everything should be in place (the Mods folder with the R file and 2 subfolders, Packages and Overrides). Just unzip to your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 folder. The R file that I have is the newest one that I could find however, I have tried the original one (which has worked before) and blunote00's method of copying and pasting into a new. Hi everyone, I have recently re-installed my Sims 3 game and I have Pets, Ambitions, Late Night, Showtime and Island Paradise.